Feb 26 at 9:07 PM
Life is good in Korea!
We got yelled at by Elder Holland, and it was fantastic. Not joking. We had a
missionary conference combined with Seoul South mission at which Elder Holland
was the key note speaker, of course, and he is a very passionate man. When he
gets into it, he gets into it. (There was also a Korea-wide broadcast that
evening, and he also yelled at all of Korea. It was pretty great.) Please don't
misunderstand: He wasn't angry. When I say "yelled," I just mean
really loud speaking. He certainly doesn't talk like that at the pulpit in
General Conference.
At the missionaries'
conference, one of the Seventy who spoke before Elder Holland made a remark
that I found to be true. To roughly paraphrase, when you get to listen to an
Apostle of the Lord, things seem to become a little clearer. Absolutely true.
I've made it a personal goal to read the New Testament, and I understand some
things, though not nearly as much understanding as persistent, consistent study
and pondering will bring to my mind and heart; but when Elder Holland took us
through John 3, the way he explained and expounded on the story of Nicodemus
(and included us in that discussion; he didn't just talk, he helped us figure
stuff out for ourselves) everything was so... clear. The way Elder Holland
talked about the scriptures just reminded me that all that stuff really
happened. Real life, real people, real lessons. Yay Apostles!!!!
Also, before the meeting
formally started, Elder and Sister Holland shook all of the missionaries'
hands. O,o I know. We were freaking out. They wanted to know our names and
where we're from. When I said "Olathe, Kansas", Elder Holland said,
"Olathe, that's a good place." :D I was grinning so wide. And I guess
I was a little more flustered than I thought I would be, because when I went to
introduce myself to Sister Holland, I definitely almost said Sister Giles (only
because I had just heard her say her name to Elder Holland). It was good stuff.
When he stood up to speak, Elder Holland said that he interviewed us today,
just by shaking our hands and looking into our eyes for a few seconds. Brothers
and sisters, I absolutely believe it. Yay Apostles!
In other news, I love
our investigator 함윤혜 (YunHae Ham) so much! Sister Giles
and I talk about this all the time, that we feel like she's one of our
best friends. And she's progressing so well. It's amazing to me just
how tangible the gospel is. I think I've sort of taken it for granted my
whole life, since I've had it for my whole life. Of course you don't drink
alcohol. Of course you don't shop on the Sabbath. Of course you pay 10% of
your increase for tithing. What I think was missing is the why behind
all of that. I've grown up doing it, and I've known about why we
do all those things. Each commandment has a specific blessing attached,
right? But why do we keep the commandments at all? Well, as I've
been watching Sister Ham progress through the lessons, I've gotten to see
her make decisions to follow commitments because she loves and respects Christ.
And that's really the root of it, isn't it? When we love and respect our
Savior, we want to follow Him, we want to be closer to Him, so we keep His commandments.
And when we do that, what do we find? Whoa, we get even more blessings! Don't
you just love that's the way Heavenly Father works?
Have a good week,
Sister Chun
PS - My mom found the picture of Elder and Sister Holland at: https://www.mormonchannel.org/listen/series/conversations-audio/elder-holland-episode-22