I just really like this picture.... with Sister Engebretsen, on exchanges.
Feb 19 at 9:11 PM
Already 3/4 of the way
through training. That is so weird.
So, there are some
things that I need to get off my chest: WE GET TO SEE ELDER HOLLAND THIS
WEEKEND AND I'M SO EXCITED. I can't even. I can, but I can't. He's coming for
the weekend, basically, and will be doing a missionary conference, combined
with the Seoul South mission, then several broadcasts and meetings throughout
Saturday and Sunday for all the members in Korea. I know you shouldn't pick
favorites, but I think that Elder Bednar and Elder Holland are a couple of my
favorites. 😅 So that's
This past week was
pretty busy! Visiting members' houses, active and less-active; meeting new
investigators; zone conference (which will happen every transfer now, which
apparently didn't used to happen, but now it will); our investigator's
birthday; Valentine's Day... It's been a good week.
People Who Read This
Blog, I need to explain Korean Valentine's Day to you, because it makes me
happy. On Valentine's Day, February 14, all the girlfriends buy all their
boyfriends chocolate. On White Day, March 14, all the boyfriends buy their
girlfriends candy. On Black Day, April 14, all the single people meet up with
their friends and eat 자짱면, a noodle dish with black sauce. I don't know
why that tickles me so much, but it does. For sure will be celebrating Black
Day. Actually, I'd be down to celebrate Black Day any day, because 자짱면 is one of the best things that's ever happned to me. I don't know
why I ever turned it down.
We got to play
dodgeball, and it was so much fun! The less-active Young Women who came were a
little freaked out, because the Elders can throw those wimpy little beach ball
things pretty hard, but it was real fun. However, as a result, weird parts of
my body are sore. Like my left hip and obliques. How does that even happen? I
have no idea, but it definitely did. Just a good reminder to work out a little
more diligently in the mornings, I guess. (I did run up and down the stairs one
morning, so that was fun. ^_^)
I have accomplished a
life-long dream today! I finished an entire tube of chapstick! Never in my life
have I done that, and I'm quite proud. (Actually, I knew it was getting down to
the last few millimeters, and I pulled it out to use it this morning, but when
I pulled the cap off, the little moving part that actually holds the chapstick
fell out, chapstick side down. So teeeechnically I didn't use it all, but that
doesn't matter! I now have an empty chapstick tube because I used the chapstick
and that's all that matters!)
I've been working harder
to make study times more effective. I really love it when I get to just sit and
read my scriptures, or a General Conference talk. There is something so
comforting about the words of the prophets, 옛날 and 현대
(ancient and modern). If you haven't read anything like that in a while, I
suggest you do. They know what they're talking about. This transfer, our zone
has made a goal to ponderize! More specifically, to ponderize the Doctrine of
Jesus Christ found in 2 Nephi 31, 3 Nephi 11, and 3 Nephi 27. This week we're
working on 3 Nephi 11, and the verse I chose is verse 15.
"And it came to
pass that the multitude went forth, and thrust their hands into his side, and
did feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet; and this they
did do, going forth one by one until
they had all gone forth, and did see with their eyes and did feel with their
hands, and did know of a surety and did bear record, that it was he, of whom it
was written by the prophets, that should come."
Can you imagine
that? Here is this big group of people: they've just experienced
some traumatic things due to the signs of Christ's death (earthquakes and
storms and whatnot), and then they hear this voice. They can't
really make out what it's saying, but after a couple times they
really start paying attention, and then they hear our Father in
Heaven bear witness of Christ. And then this Man, dressed in glorious white
robe comes down from the sky and tells them this wonderful news: that He is
Jesus Christ of whom the prophets testified; that He died for the worlds sins.
In short, that He fulfilled His purpose and that He loves them. But He doesn't
just want the people to take His word for it: He invites them to come feel the
prints in His hands and feet, in His side, and they get to, one by one. How
amazing! There were a lot of people there. I don't know how long it took, but
every single one of them was able to feel and see and bear witness of our
Savior's sacrifice. How patient, and how loving did Christ have to be for every
single person to come forward and feel and see. What did He say to each of
them? For how long would He have had to have been smiling? (English is
lovely, isn't it?)
And the scriptures don't
mention anyone turning away. No Nephite there said, "Heh, there's no way
that's my Redeemer." "I have more important things
to do." "I need to finish weaving this basket right now. No time to
appreciate the sacrifice that has been made for me."
He's not here right now,
but He still invites us to come unto Him. We can know Him as individually as
those ancient Nephites knew Him. He doesn't want us to turn away, and our
basket-weaving can wait.
It's a good day to be
alive. There are so many good things out there to do! Read your scriptures! Say
a prayer! Help your neighbor! Make someone treats (that is always a valid
option) and write them a love note! Smile at someone! Exercise! We are sons and
daughters of a Heavenly King; let's start living up to our potential. ^ ^
I love you all! Have a
good week!
전 자매
Sister Chun
I am a giant human being!
Trying to make her look taller!
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