We went to a fancy resort thing with a member after a 식사 (lunch). You have to be real 부자 (wealthy) to vacation here, but it was nice to dream... |
I have been so blessed thus far to have companions who not only know how to cook, but also do cook for us. |
We were playing Pictionary, and I told them to draw a hippo... |
With my trainor Sister Giles at MLC! |
Leanne Noelle Chun <leanne.chun@myldsmail.net>
Jul 30 at 8:50
The work goes on in
DongHae! It's so beautiful here. The weather has been pretty cool, a
little bit rainy, but it's good. I'm starting to recognize where we are when we
go places, so that's good. I think it was sort of a blessing that I was in
DongDaeMun for so long because I definitely blocked everything out of my mind
when I was a greenie; in other words, it took me 7 months to learn the area.
Now that I'm a little more aware of missionary life, and I'm not jetlagged out
of my mind, I think I'll be able to learn this area a little
faster. At least, that's what I'm hoping. We have exchanges this week, and I'm
leading this area (it's practice, Sister Calda says). We'll see how it goes. 👍
We had a pretty busy
week this past week. Doing service at English Academies (the kids wanted to
meet real foreigners, but I think they were a little nervous to have to speak
English with us. They did good, though!); helping prepare food for the Primary
activity; meeting new investigators; looking at the beach and the ocean (I will
need to go to the beach upon returning home); we went to Seoul last P day
for a meeting on Tuesday, so that was fun. Long bus ride, and I have
discovered that long car rides make me really sleepy. Seriously. Couldn't keep
my eyes open, basically as soon as we started moving.
This past week I have
discovered/realized how grateful I am for the person that Heavenly Father is
helping me become. I know I'm definitely not there yet, but I can literally see
a difference in what I want and how I think about things. It's a little
exsistential (I'm not sure if I spelled that correctly, or even used it in the
correct context, but it seemed right): I remember what my previous wishes and
desires are, but what they are currently are definitely different.
I'm so grateful that
Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to become better than we are. I've
probably heard that idea before, but now it's actually becoming real for me.
Heavenly Father doesn't just want us to leave behind what makes us bad, He wants
to elevate us and make us better than our good. I'm so grateful for the gospel
of Jesus Christ and, and as much as I'm willing to put in the
effort, the person it can help me become.
I love you all!
Have a good week!
Sister Chun