Wednesday, November 30, 2016

November 30, 2016
Today at 1:00 PM

I got bangs!

Our Little Christmas Tree

Well, I totally forgot to say Happy Thanksgiving literally the day before Thanksgiving, so... Happy Thanksgiving! I think I mentioned the service project last week, though, and it went really well. I had the great privilege to be asked to serve as one of the table leaders, which basically just meant that I helped the missionaries at our assembly line know what they're doing, get them water when they need it, celebrate each box of meals that we completed... weirded them out with Nacho Libre quotes and loud, somewhat operatic singing along with the Christmas music that was playing... It was a good time. My whole district ate our Thanksgiving meal with chopsticks, and I'm happy to say that I can still do that (use chopsticks, I mean). Good and bad, because it probably means I'll gain A TON of weight when I get to 한국. Ah, well. It will be worth it. 

Friday we were right back at it, the regular schedule, teaching two lessons (and yes, I realize that's not nearly as much as we'll probably be doing in the field, but for now it's a decent amount to do). Here's the thing though... Sister Chun got a little crazy, and totally monopolized our afternoon lesson. Literally talked the entire time. My 동반자들 (companions) couldn't get a word in edgewise. *Facepalm* And then, to continue in the vein of me thinking that I know what I'm doing, that night we had Skype TRC, which is basically just a lesson with a member; it was supposed to be a 30 minute lesson... Definitely cut it off a full 10 minutes early. Just, right at the peak of spiritualness... ! "In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Will you pray?" Very abrupt, and I think the member knew that it was, but he was a good sport about it. We laughed about it for a solid ten minutes afterward. Good heavens... But! Besides me being a little crazy, it was an amazing lesson. It was one of those lessons where you absolutely know it wasn't the missionaries, even starting from planning the lesson that morning. The Spirit was with us all the way, and that was fantastic. Next time I'll try not to cut Him off...

I got to teach the Relief Society lesson on Sunday, and, admittedly, I could have spent some more time preparing, but it went really well. It was sort of like what D&C 50:22 describes: I was absolutely learning just as much, if not more, even though I was technically the "teacher". Gosh, don't you just love that? 

WE ARE NOW THE SENIOR DISTRICT. Well, we're one of two of the senior districts. We're getting a new district today, which just makes it official. :) Honestly, don't feel that "senior". I guess I do know a little more Korean than the younger districts do, but even then, it's not much. And it also means that we're leaving for 한국 in 12 days... Start that countdown: 12 Days of 한국말 (Korean)! 

One of the Elders from one of the younger districts asked me last night how I could be so happy all the time (I think I was jovially, and probably somewhat obnoxiously, singing a hymn while going up the stairs). I don't remember what I said to him, but I was thinking about it last night during quiet time, and I think the answer is... I just feel so grateful. I have amazing companions, I have an awesome district, I have a loving family, I can feel the Spirit, I'm learning how to be a missionary... everything is just great! And yeah, tomorrow I'll probably be super stressed that I don't speak great Korean, but that's all part of it. We make mistakes and we learn from them. It's great. Everything's great. b(^_^)b

Pardon me while I fan girl about Ammon for a second, but can we just talk about what a boss he is? (Is that an appropriate way to refer to someone in the Book of Mormon? Probably not, but it happened, so... moving on.) I've always loved reading about him, but maybe especially now that I am also a missionary his story hits super close to home. I mean, not that I'm going to go around chopping people's arms off, but... yeah, I'm not going to do that. But Ammon is awesome. Also, in Alma 18:14, Ammon asks King Lamoni what he can do for him, and Lamoni doesn't answer for an hour... talk about being okay with silence in a lesson (see PMG). Go Ammon! 

Okay, lastly, I want to invite all of you to send me missionary moments. Just shoot me a quick DearElder (the MTC version of texting... kind of). I would love to hear from you! It could be something that happened to you on your mission, something that happened to you at school... I'd love to hear about them. :) 

Love you all! Have a good week! 

Sister Chun 

^^ Our Korean nametags came, but they spelled my last name with a  instead of a , and yeah, it doesn't look like a big difference, but I feel like it will be nice to be called "Chun" () by people who actually know how to pronounce it... so hopefully the nametag folks can get it changed before I leave for Korea. Huzzah!

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