8.2 weekly letter
Oct 15 at 5:56 PM
Wow~! This week was pretty fun! We were on exchanges with the
Gangreung Sisters so that Sister Seo and I could go to Seoul for MLC. That was
fun, but I missed sleeping in my own bed!
The really exciting parts of the week were Saturday and Sunday.
We had branch conference this week, so we had a branch activity night on
Saturday. President and Sister Sonksen were present, and we played a bunch of
fun games (Charades, Do you love your neighbor?, and Mafia) and ate delicious
food. We found out later that President Sonksen is not really a game person,
but props to him for participating! (And it looked like he was having fun, too,
so that's good.) I seriously love these members so much! They are fantastic,
and so much fun.
Like I said, Sunday was branch conference, so we had some
different speakers (President and Sister Sonksen, Elder and Sister Nielsen, the
senior missionaries in Gangreung, 최지영 회장님), all of whom gave really great talks. Sister Sonksen gave her
whole talk in Korean, which was kind of fun to hear. Sister Castro and I were
asked to teach Primary, since the Primary President had to work in the morning.
There were only four kids in Primary, and, boy, are they energetic. Two
sisters, 최은지 (9) and 최윤지 (6), and two boys, 신승철 (12) and 김홍희 (10). The twelve year old so reminded me of
Levi, which I remarked to him. I just said, "SeungCheor, you're like my
little brother..." after which there was a pause and he said,
"weird?" We both laughed and I gave him a thumbs up. Don't worry,
Levi, I only think you're a little bit weird. :) Mostly I just think you're
fun, which I told 승철b. Hurray for Primary!
We also at a ton of food afterward, so that was fantastic.
Sister Castro and I decided that we need to go on a diet: the tummy fat is
getting out of hand... ㅎㅎ I'll let you know how that goes...
We also walked 김금순s, the recent convert, home. She is the cutest
little 할머니 in the entire world. Her leg was sort of
hurting, so I held her hand as we walked: it's literally like holding hands
with a kid. She had us come up to her apartment so that she could give us 배 (which we ate last night and it was so delicious) and dried
sweet potatoes (맛이 조금 없어요... ㅎㅎ). She was really excited to have so many
people visiting the branch today. I think she 인사ed to every single one
of them. When the Nielsens left, she walked out to the front door to wave
goodbye until they had driven away. By way of explanation she just said, "끝까지 인사해 야해!". We love her
so much.
This week we started reading the Book of Mormon as a mission!
We'll go from now until the end of the year, highlighting references to the
word "heart". Today was until 1 Nephi 4 and there are already a few
of those references, a little bit to my surprise. The goal is to be able to
determine how our hearts are doing as we read about hearts. Do we have hard
hearts or soft hearts?
I'm so grateful to be here in Korea, especially in DongHae. I'm
grateful for everything that I've learned on my mission and everything that I'm
still going to learn. Hopefully I get everything that Heavenly Father is trying
to tell me. :)
I love you all! Have a good week!
Sister Chun
최지영p, our branch president. He is seriously hilarious. His daughters are the two rambuctious ones in Primary. He always tells us missionaries to get married slow... |
Had to take a picture with the food, and 김영민b jumped in there. We love this 남자. ㅎㅎ |
Our 고기 faces... |
These are the two boys from Primary. 홍희 on the left, 승철 on the right. |
Kidnapped lovingly by this cute harmoni, 김금순s. |
Loved getting kidnapped by 김금순 자매님. She had to concentrate going up the stairs, though (and she also doesn't like pictures, so I had to be sneaky). |
The guy looked right at the camera, holding the gun thing, saw us filming and waved at us. He tapped his tiger friend and told him to wave at us, too. |
These women had really beautiful hanbok on. |
That, my friends, is a giant teddy bear hanging on the side of a building. I love Seoul... |
Weekly planning at Ediya Coffee. Sister Castro is better at taking selfies than I am... |
This is a member from Sindang ward who saw us walking into this KFC for dinner and ran after us to buy us food. Turns out her niece is serving in our zone! |
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