8.3 Weekly Letter
Noelle Chun <leanne.chun@myldsmail.net>
Oct 22 at 6:30 PM
Good morning, world! We got up at a crisp 4:30 this morning and hoofed it over to a cute little beach spot that we found pretty near to our house so that we could watch the sunrise. It was fantastic. Actually, it was a little disappointing, since there were these massive clouds in the sky, right on the horizon, but we got to see crazy big waves (crazy big for DongHae, anyway), so that was pretty cool. I like nature! ㅎㅎ
On our way to the beach! The wind was kind of crazy, but we wore some winter layers, so we were good all the way there. |
It's Venus!
Looking pensive at the beach... ㅎㅎ |
I love that soft pink color... |
Sister Castro's turn! |
So, I think a lot of you may have noticed (or maybe not, since I
kind of stink at taking pictures of things) is that I have dyed my hair a few
times over the last couple months. Well, I decided to do it again, going to a
darker color than before. What we hadn't considered, however, was that the dye
from the previous time probably used some kind of yellow/orange dying agents,
and the dye that we were going to use had some blue dying agents. I promise
that I did graduate high school, and I know my primary colors
and which ones make which secondary colors, but that did not affect how
horrified we were when we realized that my hair turned out to be a little
green. *facepalm* I was definitely freaking out a little bit (mostly just
repeating over and over again "my hair is green" in varying tones of
disbelief and slight hysteria), but when I woke up in the morning, it was still
green. So I just sort of shrugged and hoped no one would notice. Luckily
enough, no one at church noticed; we think it only looks really green when it's
directly in the light. It's also not evenly green, so that's
kind of a bummer, but at least it's not Anne of Green Gables green.
We went on exchanges with Taebek this week, which means that we
got to take four hour bus rides round-trip. :) That was fun. It was cold up
there! Gotta love that mountain life. Apparently it's supposed to start snowing
up there next month; I hope Sister Smith and Sister Hansen brought enough warm
We went to visit our favorite little harmoni, Sister 김금순; when she opened the door, to our great surprise, her left eye
was totally black and swollen. Apparently she had taken a fall a couple of days
before, resulting in that pretty massive black eye. ㅠㅠ It made us very sad. But it was also a pleasure to bustle
around her house and help tidy up--mostly just washing dishes while she yelled
at me not to--and then peel some fruit for her, since she couldn't see out of
her eye very well. Sister Castro visited her over exchanges and reports that
her eye looks much better. She's been rubbing a raw egg over the hurt
part. ☺
I heard the news about Sami and his sweetheart! Congratulations,
you two! I don't think I've ever had the chance to meet Tammy (Tami, Tammi?)
before I left on my mission, but I'm excited to get to know her!
여러분을 사랑해요! I hope you have a good week!
Sister Chun
This woman is so cute! |
She wanted to take a picture near the train tunnel, but we just compromised for one in front of it. ㅎㅎ |
This is Franklin (이스민b). He comes to English class. I think he's trying to make a 평 sign (finger heart), but he just can't... quite... get it. ㅎㅎ I love this boy so much! |
LPP Passoff! |
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Lunch with our investigator, Annabelle. We ate pasta literally drenched in oil, and it was fantastic. |
Exchanges with Sister Smith! She made us those delicious Korean pancakes... |
Dinner with Sister Smith. Easier to make than I thought, actually... |
Can you tell how green it is? |
Andy, a member of our Saturday English class. We finished the message early, so he led us in a tower-building exercise. |
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