11.5 Weekly
Noelle Chun <leanne.chun@myldsmail.net>
Mar 12 at 12:57 AM
Not a very flattering angle, but that is a giant Buddha we saw on our hike today. |
Isn't he majestic_! |
Oh my gosh, we climbed a mountain today. I have
never hated my legs more (no part of my body should feel like
this), but it was totally worth it.
I'm a slow hiker. |
And more stairs. |
Up, up, up the stairs, and then... the tunnel... |
We at kimbap on the top of a mountain. #nailedit |
Sister Cook was snapping a picture of the scenery, and I happened to be eating a triangle kimbap. Kimbap makes me happy, but this is how I feel about hiking, I guess. |
Yup. We're on a mountain. I don't think I'm going to get over that... |
The Misty Mountain |
And more stairs. |
Trees. And... a random man.
On our way down we met a few foreigners just beginning to make their way up: We said hi to the girls, and the man that was with them (bringing of the rear) said to us with some disbelief, "You went up there?" Sister Cook and I were happy to be able to tell him that, yes, indeed we had. hehe I like hiking, but being on the dry, flat ground is wonderful. |
That's where we were! This was just after the guy asked us in disbelief if we had gone all the way up there... |
Sister Cook's first time at BapBurger. We ate deliciously. (잘 먹었어요.) |
Things at the Helping Hands Center have picked back up a little bit since the Paralympics have started. We've already met a lot of pretty neat people. For example: getting off the bus in Gangreung, we see a couple of foreigners intensely studying the time board of buses and conversing back and forth. After Sister Cook and I talked to them for a few minutes, we found out that they were from Montana, and their son was a guide for a visually impaired skier. How cool is that?
I got to go on exchanges in DongHae this week. Sister Butler, one of our awesome Sister Training Leaders (STL) made sure that we had an opportunity to visit 김금순s (Kim GeumSun), the recent convert in DongHae who Sister Castro and I fell in love with. We called her in the morning to confirm the appointment, and she recognized my voice! She's about 2 1/2 feet shorter than me, but the squatting is worth it to hug that cute little lady. I love her so much!
Sister Butler did my hair in the morning, and I don't think I've ever looked more put together on my entire mission... |
Another shot of the hair. |
Exchanges with Sister Butler was awesome! This Sister is a bubble of joy, and she's an excellent missionary. Pleasure to know her, pleasure to serve with her. |
I'm sorry to say that I went out in public like this. I accidentally sent my jacket hood home, and the rain here will make your hair fall out, so I thought I would use what protection I could... |
This is actually something that someone decided to create. 절 닮았어요... ㅋㅋ |
김금순s trying to get me to put the camera away. Heehee! |
김금순s finally let me take a picture with her. Hehe! |
All in all, my companion is the best, and we're having a
fantastic time in Korea. It sort of astounds me just how much Heavenly Father
has blessed me; I look forward to recognizing His blessings for a long
I love you all a lot!
Sister Chun
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