8.6 Weekly Letter
With one of our favorites, Franklin!
ㅎㅎ We're charming, I know.
Noelle Chun <leanne.chun@myldsmail.net>
Nov 12, 2017 at 5:33 PM
Holy cow, last week of my eighth transfer. Things are happening
fast! ㅠㅠ But that's good. Weird, but good.
We were able to go on exchanges this week with the Taebek
Sisters, and that was fun. Sister Chun is a 바보 and forgot to take
pictures, but I got to go to Taebek with Sister Hansen. She's 5 weeks out of
the MTC and she's super awesome! I kind of forgot what greenies are like... It
was cool to spend time with her. Further proof that the Gift of Tongues is
real. ㅎㅎ But she'll get the language really well, I'm
It was cold in Taebek. Holy cow. Up there in those mountains...
Good stuff. I like living at sea level. :)
You know, I think there are less and less interesting things to
tell you all... Or, at least, they seem less interesting to me. Funny, how much
you can adapt to your surroundings?
I love reading the Book of Mormon. We've been reading from the
beginning as a mission and it's fantastic! I encourage all of you to do the
same, keeping in mind all the cool things you can learn each time you read.
We're getting to the end of Mosiah, which is one of my favorite books. King
Benjamin's sermon and Alma's conversion are some the highlights for me. The
Lord can help us change our hearts, or even just change them for us (because
sometimes we need something outside of us to push us in the right
This being the last week of the transfer, we will receive
transfer calls on Saturday. Sister Castro and I are not looking forward to
that. It has seriously been SO much fun to be in Donghae with that beautiful
woman. We were out street contacting one day and we said hi to a Jehovah's
Witness. She was really good at street contacting to, and we got to walk away
with a name card and a couple of pamphlets including what titled "Do
angels exist?". She was one of the kinder ones, and I appreciate her
concern for the two little 외국인's that she pities because she thinks they
don't know the Bible well enough to get to heaven, but, if you can't tell from
the frustration that I'm barely keeping back right now, I did not appreciate
that interaction. As we walked away, I was expressing my frustration and anger
to Sister Castro. I went on and on about how I wish I had the language to just
tell that woman every single thing that she doesn't have right, or the boldness
to give her a Book of Mormon and a pamphlet about the Restoration. Sister
Castro listened to my rant very patiently, and then proceeded to lovingly
correct me. I learned a great deal during that conversation; but I learned
especially that my companion is super wise, loving, and she has an
understanding of the gospel and our Savior that I want to strive for. We hope
we stay together one more!
I love you all so much! I hope you have a good week! Send me
pictures of your Thanksgiving preparations. That's not really a thing in Korea
(at least, not the November one where you eat a turkey), so I'll have to live
vicariously through you this year. I'll just content myself with sweet potatoes
and 삼겹살. :)
We ate the 고기's with this cute family! |
The squid was really good, but can we just take a second to appreciate that meat_ |
Ice cream with chopsticks. Because they don't use spoons in Korea. ㅎㅎ |
He really didn't want to pose, but he did grace the camera with this. Thank you, 최지영b. |
He didn't want to pose for a picture, so his daughter helped him. |
That may or may not be green tea... |
The church in Taebek is literally right next to the Jehovah Witness church... |
The church building in Taebek! |
Things happened, and this is our ghetto patch up job. But it's getting fixed tomorrow! |
She was pretty happy about this seating arrangement. |
I taught her how to turn on the heater in the church. |
She was so excited for us to eat the kimchi she made. |
November 11 is Pepero day! I found out that you're supposed to give Pepero to the ones you love, but I definitely just bought some for myself. Hey, I ate with the people I love... that counts, right_ |
Happy Pepero day! |
Sister Chun
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