9.6 Weekly letter
Noelle Chun <leanne.chun@myldsmail.net>
Dec 24, 2017 at 5:30 PM
I forgot that we had just woken up... |
Merry Christmas 여러분!
This past month has been kind of crazy, trying to get everything
in order for Christmas. ㅎㅎ But thankfully it all turned out well.
Tonight we have a zone proselyting activity that involves standing out in the
cold for a couple hours, but the trade off is cookies and hot chocolate, so
that's good. Some member sisters also invited us over for some Christmas lunch,
so that will be fun. Yay Christmas!
It was so fun to skype with family yesterday. Sorry I couldn't
time it to be actually Christmas or Christmas Eve over there, but it was still
good to see your faces. :) Also sorry to those whom I could not see. I'll see
you in a few months... 😀
Today's email is a little short, but I love you all! Have a good
Christmas, and start thinking of those New Year's resolutions. Nothing better
than a solid goal-setting session. #missionaryLife
Sister Chun
I bought this exercise ball in an attempt to work out my abs while I sit down. I was so excited about it. Guess how big it is! |
It's this big. |
And this is what it looks like when I sit on it... ㅠㅠ |
We were all a little weirded out to see President Sonksen outside, so we needed to document the event. |
On our way to our activity for mission conference. We were fangirling over their adorableness. #goals |
Missionary flashmob! |
Couldn't get enough pictures with these gorgeous women. |
Picture with some MTC people. The others had already left. |
Our adorable AP running to the group, without a red scarf (of all the missionaries to not have a red scarf...) |
Sister Call! We lived in the same house when I was a brand new missionary in Korea, and she's one of my favorite people in the whole world. Turns out we're in the same stake, now too, since her family moved before her mission! |
Sister Wright! We meet again! |
So bright! We were some of the first to get to the meeting point for our flashmob. |
We gathered like this in three spots and took pictures than sang _Joy to the World_. My timing wasn't great, so I got a picture of Elder John taking a picture. |
View from the King SeJong statue. |
This is Sister Kava, the Tongan queen. |
Recognize these lovely faces_ Jasmine from DongDaeMun english class took us out for dinner with her daughers Lily (glasses) and Luny (the smaller one). I love them so much! |
We made sheep out of sports balls for our nativity play. |
We made this beautiful stable (why, yes, that is cardboard), and we didn't end up using it. Picture for the memory, and then we took it down. ㅜㅜ |
Don't look too closely, the baby is actually a pillow. |
The shepherds being scared by the angel as he popped up from behind the podium. |
The young men of the ward performed a comedy about the 2,000 stripling warriors. I wasn't able to watch the whole thing, but judging by the laughs coming from the audience, it was pretty good. |
Our last song was a mash-up of _O come all ye faithful_ and _Joy to the world_. Shout out to Elder Horned for being an amazing pianist and doing the music for the entire show. |
Elder Hale made a great Santa Claus. I think the beard was really itchy, though... |
Streetboarding on Christmas Eve. Chilly, but fun! |
The bowl on the left is literally a double portion of Jjajangmyun. It only took about 10 minutes, I think. These noodles are the best thing that ever happened to me. |
That's our ghetto Christmas tree. But it was nice to have some presents under there! |
Thanks for the presents, Mom! We had a fun time opening them this morning! |
Yay! Merry Christmas! |
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